TDCoin Core
Татар РусскийHow to deploy TDCoin mining operation?
- Device:
- Gridseed Orb 5 Chips
- Power Supply 12V 5A+
- USB-A to USB-mini cable
- Gridseed Orb 5 Chips
- Software & Operating systems:
- Linux
- Centos 7 & 8 cgminer-4.3.5-scrypt.2.tar.gz
1. Contact developer to whitelist your IP address.
2. Install operating system. If needed install packages: ncurses-libs, ncurses-compat-libs.
3. We are using "/opt" folder to install software. Create folder using command from terminal "mkdir /opt/TDCoin-cgminer".
Download and extract software "cgminer-4.3.5-scrypt.2.tar.gz" to folder. Command "tar -xf cgminer-4.3.5-scrypt.2.tar.gz -C /opt/TDCoin-cgminer".
4. Connect device to computer using USB cable. Connect power supply to device.
5. Start cgminer from terminal "/opt/TDCoin-cgminer/cgminer -c /opt/TDCoin-cgminer/tdcoin-cgminer.conf".
6. When requested url, supply "stratum+tcp://".
7. When requested username, supply your TDCoin wallet address.
8. When requested password, put "X".
- Centos 7 & 8 cgminer-4.3.5-scrypt.2.tar.gz
- Windows
- Miner software
Should you have a question, ask in fb group "TDCoin Mining Pool".